
2022 Kappa Alpha Order Holiday Challenge
Are you ready to take on our 2022 Holiday challenge? Without all of us, the Gamma chapter of Kappa Alpha Order simply does not exist. Your 2022 year-end gift can help to make this our best year yet. Are you

Kappa Alpha Order On the Web
Are you plugged in to the Kappa Alpha Order social media page? Follow to reconnect with your alumni buddies online, find out about upcoming virtual and in-person events, and keep up with the latest news from the fraternity. Facebook

Kappa Alpha Order is grateful to you
We want to wish all our current Gamma Chapter undergraduates as well as all of our alumni members a Happy Thanksgiving. The holiday season is always a time of reflection, celebration, memories and most importantly, gratitude. Whether it be through

Homecoming at the University of Georgia Through the Ages
Year after year, thousands of students and alumni join together to celebrate the University of Georgia’s homecoming. With homecoming 2022 falling on October 15th, we are always interesting in hearing about your visit back to the old stomping grounds! Have

Join your brothers in the Loyal Order
“Commit to a lifetime of brotherhood.” The Loyal Order is a program for Kappa Alpha Order brothers of all origins with the purpose to “endow The Kappa Alpha Journal and redirect undergraduate dues to chapter services & leadership education.” There is no

What was your favorite summer adventure?
As summer has come to a close, we would love to hear about your favorite summer adventures! Did you travel abroad with your family or make a trip back to campus to visit some old college buddies? Whether it was