Lost Mailing List
Grad Year N/A

Ben Abernathy

Christopher Adams

Timothy Adams

King Aiken

Walter Aldred

John Anderson

William Anderson

Harold Anderson

James Anderson

Christopher Andrews



John Anthony

Gordon Backus

Brian Bacon

Ellis Barton

Eugene Bell

Harrison Benefield

George Bishop

Paul Blawie

Brian Bobier

Michael Bone

Robert Bowden

Craig Bowles

William Bradley

Leonard Branan

David Bristow

Charles Britt

William Candler

Matthew Cash

William Causey

Julie Chambliss

Donald Channell

Henry Chappell

Robert Cheatham

Calder Clay

Joseph Clements

James Cobb

John Coursey

Robert Cowsert

James Daniel

Tres Dausey

Robert Davis

West Davis

Stan Defnall

Robert DeVaughn

John Donaldson

John Donaldson

Bruce Donnigan

Patrick Doyle

Donald Durden

Charles Ellis

Horace Ethridge

Jack Evans

Shannon Fickling

Howard Fisch

Charles Flynn

Bradshaw Ford

John Franks

Advisor Fraternities

Kappa Fraternity

Drew Freeman

Benjamin Fuller

Andy Gibson

Andy Green

Joel Green

Jay Griffin

Thomas Griffith

John Gurley

Frank Halter

Laurie Halter

Helene Hand

Leon Hargreaves

Brent Harris

William Hart

Carl Hartrampf

Zac Hauther

Walter Hayes

Jon Hogart

Bryan Hogg

Murphy Holloway

William Hopper

Charles Horton

Charles Houston

John Howardd

Lance Hubbs

Charles Humphrey

Sherwood Hurt

In Memory Of William W. Kidd

Stephen Inman

Clarence Jackson

Harold Jernigan

William Johnson

John Johnson

Benjamin Johnson

Mitchell Jones

Josh Jordan

Kappa Alpha Alumni Reunion

Keith Karnock

William Kimbrough

Allan Kirwan

Stephanie Knowlton

James Labrot

Rebecca Lance

William Langley

Ryan Lanier

Daniel MacDougald

Julian Mann

Joseph Manning

Frank Massey

Hoke May

Larry McCalla

John McCants

Ben McElmurray

Anderson McLaughlin

Robert McQuarrie

Tom Means

Lynn Michael

Clinton Miles

Gray Milsap

William Moore

James Moore

W. Moore

Ambrose Morris

James Mottola

Mickey Mulholland

Peter Munroe

Robert Nall

Chase Naples

Weldon Neal

Carl Nelson

Joe Nettles

Henry Newson

Joseph Newton

M. Nicholson

James Nicholson

Ross Norton

Capers Ogletree

J. Overstreet

Philip Park

Edward Parks

Horace Parnell

Todd Patman

Zachary Peffer

Burke Perno

Richard Perry

Robert Pierce

John Powell

Ben Price

William Ray

Barbara Reed

Tee Reeve

David Reeves

Clarence Richardson

Samuel Riddle

Charles Rohrer

Thomas Ross

Kenneth Sams

Lewis Scruggs

Michael Scruggs

Daniel Searcy

Stephen Sears

Patrick Sessions

Lester Shepherd

Richard Simonton

Clyde Slaten

Shepard Smith

J. Smith

John Smith

T. Smith

Michael Soud

St. Simons Reception Host Committee

Samuel Stewart

Irwin Stolz

William Stolz

Dwight Stout

Dewey Strang

Wes Stroud

Linton Thompson

Todd Thompson

Kenneth Towe

James Turner

University of Georgia

William Voegeli

Steven Wagner

Maurice Walters

C. Warner

Daniel Weir

Benjamin Whidby

Allen Wier

Robert Williams

John Wise

Robert Wright

John Wright

Todd Yates

B. Young

F. Young

Richard Young

Jenny Lynn Bradley

Christopher Bradley

Chuck Colby

Nini Davenport

Tom Evers

Johnny Fuller

Kathryn Heath

Ann Hendrickson


Jed Kenna

Alex Lucchesi

Debbie Marco

Cindy McFadden

Holly Miles

Lisa Moody



Ronald Paulk

Kaye Pendley

Andrea Perry

Bryant Pyles


Rhett Rycroft

Debbie Satterfield

Cathy Simpson

Bitsy Smith

Bonnie Smith

Melinda Smith

Denise Smith

Robert Spratlin

Marti Strong


Carol Taylor

Patti Thompson


Sue Watters

Donna Weekly
